An invitation to meet our new sellers...
We’ve recently had several amazing sellers join our fab Cheerfully Given seller community so thought we’d take the time to introduce them and show off their inspiring products.
Join us today as we chat with Sarah Nolloth about her growing Scripture art & Christian greeting cards business, Sarah Nolloth Illustration.
Welcome to the Cheerfully Given family, Sarah! We’re thrilled to have you come onboard and thanks for taking this time to give us a little insight ‘behind the scenes’ at Sarah Nolloth Illustration.
The question I absolutely love asking is: where do you find your creativity?
“See the good” is my little mantra. So much so, I've got it on a t-shirt. If you start your day thinking “I'm gonna look for the good in today”, you see God in so many places and different ways, be it in nature, a kind word or a smile to a stranger. Noticing and seeking this is always an inspiration to me.
Plus it doesn’t hurt to be living in Brighton, surrounded by the heady mix of the sea, South Downs, and the vibrant city!

Epic! I’m sure you mentioned a pretty cool way you were able to start up your business?
I've always been quite creative and love making gifts for people. But to actually start a business is always a bit scary. I found it difficult in the past to put myself out there.
Early this year, I entered a competition on Instagram to win a voucher from a printing website and won! This allowed me to start my business care free without having the worry of losing anything. From there, thankfully, it continues to grow.
That’s amazing and such an incredible God-gift! On the subject of faith, how have you been able to take your faith and tie it into your business and creativity?
With my work I want to spread joy. I want to make people smile and bring little bit more of the Kingdom here on earth with each print that goes out.
Out of curiosity, do you ever get feedback from customers about how they’ve used your prints?
I do! For my ‘come as you are’ print, a customer told me they were very excited to pop it up by their front door so people knew that they were in a safe place and one where they could be themselves however they are feeling. This made me so happy as it's exactly its purpose.
That is such a fantastic idea - both in making that print and using it like that! Do you personally have a favourite item or is it like trying to pick your favourite child?!
Oooooh, tough one, but my favourite item at the moment is my inspiring illustrated postcards. I love the simple messages and the bright colours and it has my little mantra I talked about earlier, see the good.
Thank you so much for joining us, Sarah, and your encouragement to see the good in our daily lives.
If you want to find out more about Sarah’s Scripture artwork at Sarah Nolloth Illustration, you can go to her Cheerfully Given shop here.
~ Becky