An invitation to meet our sellers...
We have an amazing community of creatives and artists here at Cheerfully Given who love Jesus and are passionate about sharing Him through unique and excellent designs.
So we decided to take the time to introduce them and show off their inspiring products!
If quirky and colourful Christian jewellery is your thing (and you're curious about what soybean oil has to do with it all!), stick around as we talk with Sarah Edge of Sarah Joy Jewellery in this week's #meetthemakers.

We're talking big and we're talking colourful today with Sarah Edge of Sarah Joy Jewellery. Sarah, we absolutely love your vibrant jewellery and cannot wait to dive in to the hows and whys of the business with you today!
It's great to catch up with you today and I'm really intrigued to hear later about what on earth soybean oil has to do with jewellery! But first, welcome! For those meeting you for the first time, who are you?!
I’m Sarah Edge: a London-based designer, wife, mum of 3 and follower of Jesus.
I’m both a jewellery designer/maker and a freelance graphic designer, so each day can look quite different. If I’m working for a client, I’ll be at my mac designing something to fit a brief, otherwise I’ll be in my studio printing, sanding, finishing, packaging jewellery or finding new opportunities to promote and build the business.

So where did it all begin? What took you to buying a 3d printer and starting a jewellery business??
I’ve always been a creative type; my childhood was filled with designing, drawing and making and this love of the arts inspired my academic journey. I have a degree in Engineering Product Design and worked as a graphic and web designer for many years, until my 3rd child was born when I stopped work to focus on home life.
Once all my children were at school, I had more time to pursue my passion. I went back to my product design roots, bought a 3D printer and started this new business venture!
In all of that, how have you encountered the Living God since becoming a business owner?
I have learnt so much about God (and myself!) during the process of starting this business. It’s an exciting but also very daunting process, I couldn’t have achieved any of this without God’s help. He’s given me inspiration, confidence and the patience to persevere when doubts kick in.
This verse has given me a lot of peace as I make decisions to build my business:
“So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 (MSG)

Tell us the process you go through to get a finalised product: the inspiration, the process, everything!
I am inspired by so many things… colour, patterns, geometry, nature, abstract art, minimalist design… the list goes on.
Once I have an idea, I’ll design a new product using 3D software. When I’m happy with how it looks, the file is exported into another piece of software which slices the design into layers.
The 3D printer will then use this file to construct the item by curing the resin with UV light a layer at a time. The printing process takes 1-4 hours depending on the design. I finish each item by hand.
1-4 hours per item?! Wow! Is this where the soybean oil comes in? I'm intrigued by this!
Yes! I 3D print all my pieces in plant-based resin, made from soybean oil. I love the fact that this resin is eco-friendly, but it also produces vibrant colours in a lovely matt finish. Ticks all the boxes!
Which element of your work brings you the greatest creative joy?
Seeing a new design come to life brings me a lot of joy. And I love the technology aspect too. New innovations in the 3D printing world are fascinating, the possibilities are extraordinary. But it’s also becoming much more accessible; starting a business like this from home would have been impossible a few years ago!

Ok, last question before we let you go today: in all you do, how is the life of Jesus reflected? What does He mean to you in the creative, and business, process?
Everything I do, not only in the creative process, but also the way I conduct myself in business, my finances, my ambitions all aim to reflect the way of Jesus.
I might not always get it right (I am a work in progress!) but my desire is to live as Jesus lived and glorify God in all I do.
What a fascinating insight into your business, Sarah (still chewing over the fact you can make resin from soybeans!). Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing what other designs pop up in the shop!
You can find Sarah Edge's shop here:
Sarah Joy Jewellery Cheerfully Given Shop Front
Or find her on social media:
Facebook: Sarah Joy Jewellery UK FB
Instagram: Sarah Joy Jewellery Instagram
Thank you for reading - pop back next week for more Meet the Makers!