An invitation to meet our sellers...
We have an amazing community of creatives and artists here at Cheerfully Given who love Jesus and are passionate about sharing Him through unique and excellent designs.
So we decided to take the time to introduce them and show off their inspiring products!
Inspired by the beauty of nature and her own experience of God’s loving presence through challenging times, join us today in talking with Catherine Norrish at DiscoveryOfColours.

From living abroad to treatment for cancer treatment, you've had quite an adventure, Catherine, and we really are thrilled to talk to you today about the creative journey God has led you through that!
First up: who are you and what does creativity look like for you on a day-to-day basis?
I - Catherine - went to the University of Reading and got a degree in Music, specialising in violin performance analysis. I then went to Cambridge University and worked as a nurse for several years. I am married with two children.
I lived abroad in Oman for eight years, learning Arabic there and living cross-culturally. On returning to the UK 7 years ago, I worked for a Christian Charity supporting refugees and asylum seekers. I now work part-time in the NHS as an administrator.
I am a self-taught artist now, having discovered this new creative gift, and I love to spend time as often as possible painting what is on my heart and developing new ideas and products.

Oman! That's quite a way! What brought you from there to starting DiscoveryOfColours?
I discovered watercolour painting during my treatment for breast cancer in 2021. I found it an incredible way to express myself, experience peace during a storm, and focus my mind on gratitude, trust, and hope in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
As a self-taught artist, I love to keep learning and grow in this creative gift that I have been graciously given.
I started my business to share the joy and peace that I express in my paintings. I hope to be an inspiration and encouragment to others, especially those going through challenging times.
In the midst of running a business, how has God used that to make Himself known to you?
Since starting my business, I have discovered more about the depths of God's love for me and others. Everything good, from finding out that I could paint to people wanting to buy my work, meeting other Christian artists, to opportunities to sell on Cheerfully Given, is all from God, gracious gifts that I am so thankful for!
I continually ask God to lead me and guide me in every aspect of my business as it is all for Him and from Him! I want to bring Him glory in all that I do.

Talk us through your creative process. How do you get from a blank sheet to one of your stunning watercolour paintings?
My inspiration comes from personal experiences in God's presence, His promises in the Bible, the beauty in nature, the emotions I feel flowing out of me and want to express in watercolours!
Then, whenever possible, I use a photo/photos or real-life for my subject matter. As I prayerfully paint, I find Scriptures emerge, and God leads me to how it's all connected!
A painting can take 8-10 hours. I can use software to add writing if desired. I may even do some by hand. Then I send the image to a trusted printing company or sell my original.
What does Jesus mean to you in the creative process? How is the life of Jesus reflected in what you do?
Jesus is the source of my desire to paint.
Creating my products is a direct result of my heart overflowing with thanks to Jesus for creating me, dying for me, saving me and loving me.
‘For in Him we live and move and have our being’. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’. (Acts 17:28)
This is always an interesting question to ask: What is your favourite item currently in your shop and why?
My favourite item in my shop is my watercolour painting of the big wave with Isaiah 43:2. This item was my way of expressing the fear I felt before my chemotherapy and how God comforted me and washed my fear away by His promise of ‘I will be with you, the waters will not overwhelm you'.
It will always remind me of how God carried me through a very difficult time, and I discovered joy in the Lord is possible whatever the circumstances. So many of us can feel overwhelmed and drowned in our pain and suffering, but this promise is for everyone who will come to Him.

Thinking forward, what would your vision be for the next 5-10 years?
My vision is to enjoy and be active in this beautiful Christian creative community, build relationships, have the courage to take the opportunities that arise for learning and giving, share my gift, and bring more beauty to the world.
I would like a flourishing business selling my original paintings and prints and creating an encouraging and inspiring card collection as the Lord leads me.
Catherine, thank you so much for sharing your not-easy journey through creativity and sharing how, despite it all, God has been faithful and sustained you.
You can find Catherine Norrish's shop here:
DiscoveryOfColours Cheerfully Given Shop Front
Or find her on social media:
Facebook: DiscoveryOfColours Watercolour Paintings FB
Instagram: DiscoveryOfColours Instagram
Thank you for reading - pop back next week for more Meet the Makers!