We Draw Near
We Draw Near to God and each other through beautiful art.
We Draw Near is on holiday
Thank you for visiting my shop. I am currently on maternity leave. To view my art work, go to wedrawnear.com
Lea Alexander
I want you to experience the nearness I feel to God when I draw.
I Lea Helygain am a full time mother, but during the precious quiet times, nap times and evenings I sharpen my pencil and draw.
I draw as a way of spending time in Gods warm company. And therefore all the drawings nourish an intimacy with God.
I want you to experience this nearness too.
These drawings I sell as originals and as cards. I pray they will glow with Jesus in your homes and encourage the church to Draw near to God’s beauty.
Draw near to God, He will draw near to you
James 4 v8
I started selling during lockdown as a way to encourage the church. During the first year I sold 365 cards. One for each day of the year!
There is hope for each day.
There is encouragement for each day.
God has something to say to us each day!
I hope you enjoy sharing the life-giving words of God through these beautiful Cards!
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to buy in bulk or wish to work with me.