Sharon White Designs
Beautiful hand lettered and hand drawn cards, prints and gifts. Products inspired by God’s word to encourage and spread joy.
Sharon White Designs was born out of my love of hand lettering and my desire to use this skill to encourage others. I love the beauty and elegance of brush lettering/modern calligraphy. I set about teaching myself this beautiful art a few years ago.
My first project to hone my brush lettering skills was to hand-letter bible verses to complement Christian poems in a poetry book my mum was having published. This then led on to returning to a craft I enjoyed when I was younger - making handmade cards and gifts, but this time using brush lettering to create beautiful hand lettered products.
I live with my husband and my little girl by the sea. My artwork is inspired particularly by patterns and colours I see in nature around me. I especially love drawing intricate floral patterns to complement my lettering. My designs often start off as a quick sketch, sometimes on the back of old envelopes or bits of paper found in my handbag, as inspiration comes at random times!
I hope that through people buying and sending my hand lettered products, it will encourage others in their faith and give a natural way to spark conversations about God e.g. through artwork hanging on your walls.