Olive Leaf Design
Hand lettered prints and cards that bring the hope, joy and life we find in Jesus into people’s every day.
Hi I’m Kate, the face behind Olive Leaf Design.
I’m based in Bury St.Edmunds where I live with my husband and our two daughters. I love Jesus and am passionate about design that brings life, hope and joy. When I’m not knee deep in toys and looking after the kids you’ll find me in my cosy studio space dreaming up new designs with my pencil in hand.
I’ve been a designer for over 15 years and have always loved hand lettering which is where my dream to start my own business came from. After a turbulent few years suffering through two very difficult pregnancies, a rather large pandemic and postnatal anxiety Olive Leaf Design was born. My small business was a sign of hope on the other side of a storm and that is where the name Olive Leaf Design came from.
In Genesis we read about the story of Noah. After months of being surrounded by flood waters the first sign of hope for Noah was when the dove returned to him with a freshly plucked olive leaf in its beak. Hope is an olive leaf... evidence of dry land after a flood, or life getting back to normal after a pandemic, or a beautiful baby being born after a difficult pregnancy.
All my designs are rooted in biblical truth, full of the hope, joy, love and life that we find in Jesus. At present I have a range of cards and prints but am looking to branch out into gifts and stationery too so watch this space! I hope you like what you see and you find something to bring encouragement to you or a loved one today.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Kate x