FAQs: Returns & Refunds

If you've received an order and it's not what you were expecting, you can arrange a return and refund. Find out more below...

I want to cancel or return an item.

All of our Sellers agree to our returns policy (in line with the UK’s Distance Selling regulations) so you can have peace of mind while shopping.

Please note that there are certain items which, once ordered, cannot be returned or cancelled unless they are faulty:

  1. Personalised items: Anything with a personalised or bespoke element that has been made to order for you.

  2. Commissions: Anything that has been specifically commissioned, for instance, a piece of original artwork.

  3. Certain "hygiene" products: Products sold with a hygiene seal where the seal is broken, for instance, earrings and cosmetics, and material face masks.

  4. Perishable items: This includes anything with food or flowers.

If you are concerned about whether an item is cancellable or returnable, please do contact us before ordering and we will happily answer any questions.

How do I arrange a return?

If you want to return your items, you have 14 days to notify the seller after receipt of your parcel and then a further 14 days to return the items to the seller.

In order to return the item, it must be in the same condition it was received.

If an item has been handled in any way other than what was completely necessary while you are responsible for it, you will be liable for any diminished value of the product and may not receive a full refund. In short, if you return the item having used it, or handled it in a way that results in the product not being re-sellable, then you may not receive a full refund.

If the parcel was damaged in transit, please take photographs of the package so that the Seller can place a claim with the courier.

How to contact a Seller about returning an order:

  1. By email: You can do find this via your order confirmation email, or by going to the Seller’s Cheerfully Given shop front.
  2. Via our team: You can contact our team and we will notify the Seller. Please note that this additional step will add a delay to the process.

Are return postage costs reimbursed to me?

No, returns are at your own expense unless the Seller has specified otherwise.

How can I get a refund for an order?

  1. If you have received the order, you will need to return this to the Seller’s return address within 14 days. Please note that we do not cover the cost of returns, this is done at your own cost.

  2. Once the product has been received, a refund will be issued directly to your payment card within 14 days.

If you have any concerns or queries, we are here to help at any time. You can get in touch with us via email, or by using our contact page.

My order arrived faulty - what do I do?

Our sellers work hard to make sure items are well-packaged and arrive in perfect condition. Occasionally, items can get damaged in transit.

In the rare event that your product is damaged or faulty, please contact the Seller and provide pictures of the damage so that they can make a claim with the courier.

The Seller will then be in touch with details of how to proceed, but this will include a replacement or a refund depending on your preference.

Where is my refund?

If you have returned an item to a Seller, a refund will be processed back to your payment card within 14 days.

Please note that once the Seller has processed the refund, the payment processor can take 5-10 business days to return the payment to your card. This is due to anti-money laundering safeguards.

If you have still not received a refund after this time, please contact us directly and we will look into it for you.