Our Bucket List for the Summer Holidays
With lots of children and young people breaking up from school yesterday, today marks the start of the “proper” summer holidays for many of us. We’re at New Wine this week and next week, so Courtney and I have been sat chatting about the things we want to do over the next couple of months before the evenings start getting darker again.
We thought it would be fun to create a ‘Summer Bucket List 2017’ with everything we’d like to try or do, and thought we’d share it in case you’d like to join us. We’d love to hear your ideas too! Here are our bucket list ideas:

Some bucket list inspiration from the seller community
Hannah is starting a project with her daughter to learn more about the Victorians, and Becky is heading to Friends Fest at Blenheim Palace.
Zoe has written a long list of activity ideas for the summer so she isn’t stuck for something to do at the last minute when her brain shuts down (we can all relate to that feeling!) including going to the Natural History Museum in Oxford, and possibly a day in London with her three children.
If you’re a parent, Judy’s goal for the summer is to eat off paper plates and keep the washing pile low while drinking lots of tea and reading magazines – sounds like a great plan to me!
Jules has a long list of summer days out planned, including going to Leeds Castle, the Tate Modern, and Euro Disney with her family.
Two of our sellers, April and Su-Ann, are due to give birth in the next couple of weeks, so they’ve got ‘Give birth’ on their summer bucket lists!
What are your favourite holiday activities?
Do you have any particular activities you’d like to do or goals you’d like to achieve this summer? We’d love to hear your favourite summer haunts, especially if you’re in the North – we’re a bit low on ideas for anything above the Midlands!